29 December 2013

The same thing I post every year, Pinky

Back again? Betcha know what I'm writing/blogging about. The same thing I blog about every time this time of year comes around. Which is pretty much every time I actually post here. Well, I'll have you know I actually completed one of my New Year's resolutions! I got a job! I've been there for six months and I've actually become less of a burden on my family. I've even been able to spoil myself, buying new books, clothes, and games for myself... as well as a new computer!! I'm in a pretty happy spot right now, except for one thing. I haven't been working on my other goals. Very little art. No writing. Reading when I can squeeze it in. It's making me feel cluttered and stressed. My to-do lists could wallpaper my room and then some. I want to get back on track. I HAVE to make 2014 a good one!

So here are some goals for next year:

Post to each of my blogs each week, including The Dark Writers blog. So this blog every Monday,  my art blog every Tuesday,  The Dark Writers every Thursday, and my H!P blog every Saturday.

I'm not sure about my Pokemon blog; I don't think anyone cares, lol.

I want to update my dA jounal every month.

Make a post to G+, Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook every day. To keep me focused on art, since most everything else I do just isn't that interesting.

Use up my art supplies, coloring books, read most of my books and pick some to donate, read my magazines, use up my notebooks, use up my lotions and lip balms and smelly stuffs. I'm still getting accused of being a hoarder, so I need to work my way through this stuff. Plus, more space to display stuffed animals and CDs and toys and games!

Lose weight/exercise more and spend time on making myself feel and look good. I've already lost a bit of weight since working, but I still need more tone, I think. And no, I don't want to wear make-up! But maybe I'll feel better about myself if I wasnt such a slob in my personal life. You know, brush my hair more often and shave before I kill the razor with two-inch leg hairs. Unfortunately, this won't remedy all the dudes hitting on me. I just want friends, nothing further! Ugh, but I want to look and smell nice for me, 'cause I'm a narcissist like that.

Keep on top of comments, my friends' blogs, and dA. I'm probably seeming really rude.

Understand Japanese, French, German, and Spanish to a fair degree. Duolingo, dictionaries, and Hello!Project will be my guides.

One major illustration drawn, one old or new drawing traditionally colored, and one old or new drawing digitally colored a week. Since I now have a computer with 8GB memory.

Keep up on Hello!Project and watch an episode of anime every week. To keep my happiness up. Those H!P girls still keep me so happy.

Get my room completely organized. And inventoried. Then I can finally sleep soundly at night.

Just do my best at following my planners. There's five of them now, so if I keep working at them, I should go somewhere?

And I'm going to reward myself if I do well, since I now have the ability to do such a thing (i.e. I have a job now.)

If I cross off at least one thing each day I'll reward myself with a chocolate or candy.

How much I do will also affect the prettiness of the lotion I put on the next day. The more I accomplish,  the more expensive and/or favorite the scent I wear. If I use up a favorite, that's a good sign! If I wear Bodycology Sunday School Cherry Blossom every day, I'll know I'm a failure. Fortunately, I like almost all my lotions, though.

If I finish my Basic 2014 planner for the month,  I'll give myself a 25 dollar allowance for the month.

The full 2014 planner, a 50 dollar allowance.

A gold star for each additional planner. I'll have to figure out what I'm going to assign each star, 'cause I plan on adding up the stars next holiday season and spoiling myself.

I think that's it. 2014, bring it!!

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