07 January 2012

New Year Resolutions

As usual, I have a lot of New Year's resolutions that I'll probably break before the end of this month! I was a pretty terrible person last year, not very productive and pretty useless. My parents were nicer to me and spoiled me a lot more that I deserved. I have to be better this year. I always set really high, sometimes impossible goals for myself, but this is the year the world is going to end! I don't have much more time to prove myself. No more lazy days!

Goal #1: Update my four main blogs at least once a week! Whether it's just a piece of art, an essay, or just a little blurb, I really need to start writing more. As for my deviantART, at least three illustrations updated each week, not counting commissions or comic pages (I have to force myself to color, my dreaded nemesis!) There is a shared blog that one of my friends proposed that I'd like to update once a month (actually, two such blogs now!) Same with my dA journal, once a month. The point of this goal is to keep things updated.

Goal #2: Get at least one graphic novel published this year. Not a little one-shot comic (I do want to get Super Popcorn printed finally this year, too, though), but a full 160+ page book. Granted, I'd like to get a whole lot more drawn, but if I can at least get, say, Hellhoney Volume 1 out this year, that would be an accomplishment.

Goal #3: Get Minervellas finished, rewritten and edited, and ready to be taken around to publishers.

Goal #4: Actually make some reasonable money off of my art. One of my goals last year was to make at least enough money off my art to be required to do taxes. I didn't. This isn't the 1930's no matter how much you compare the recessions. I feel like a bum.

Goal #5: Get a real job. This may interfere with all the above goals, but if I can manage to get hired, then I can start helping out my kind parents, who have supported me all my life. I give them the little I get from commissions, but then they spoil me with that money and more, it seems. I have to make enough to think I'm actually helping out. And then I can actually set aside a small allowance for myself so I can import idol CDs! (And I really need a new laptop, tablet, and scanner. The current ones are not doing too hot after being heavily used for five and a half, four and a half, and six and a half years, respectively.)

Goal #6: Clean out my room. It's not that it's not clean. It's actually cleaner than 75% of the rooms out there. But I have a lot of stuff. When my mom gets mad at me, she calls me an "extreme hoarder" with a "a room full of junk that needs to be tossed." Now, obviously, if I was "extreme," my room wouldn't be as neat and organized as it is. But I do admit there is stuff that needs to go. I accumulated a lot of art supplies during college. I need to use up a lot of them. I have unread books on my packed shelves. Instead of going to the library, I should read them and donate or sell the ones I don't want to read again. Notebooks full of references, old stories, etc.? Type them out and chunk them. Old drawings? Toss or give away or sell them. Half-finished drawings that suck? Toss. Old magazines? Read, clip out DIRE references, then toss (better yet, scan the references, then toss those, too.) Coloring and puzzle books? Use them up or donate them. I think I have a little more leeway defending my plush, figurine, comic, card, CD/DVD/Video Game, and favorite book collections. (Gosh, I'm a nerd.) But a lot of that other stuff needs to go. Besides, I need to make room for more comics and CDs and toys, haha!

Goal #7: Get a basic but better understanding of Japanese. I want to be able to read stuff! I'm studying a kanji dictionary currently and reading books. I already listen to and watch Japanese entertainment, and from over a decade of self-study I have a basic grasp. But I want to be able to fully enjoy Japanese tweets, blog posts, livestreams, etc. It would be nice to be able to import games and comics and understand more than half of what is going on. I don't want to look like a complete fool when my dad tells Japanese people I'm learning Japanese and then they try to talk to me and I just freeze and blush. I also want to brush up on my French, German, and Spanish. I just feel like I'm missing out when I limit myself to just English. There's a lot of awesome people and entertainment out there and they don't all use English.

Goal #8: Catch up on media. I want to finish some of my video games (one a month), get my Pokedexes mostly complete, watch my small collection of DVDs over and keep up with the shows I'm following: Pokemon, My Little Pony, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Thundercats, Hello!Pro Time, Toriko, Gintama, Beelzebub, Doctor Who, and soon, Bodacious Space Pirates and AKB0048 (I hope, if the latter is legally streamed on Crunchyroll, hulu, etc.) I also want to try out some of the shows my friends have recommended and hit up the official YouTubes of music artists and groups I've been meaning to check out.

Goal #9: Get in shape. My cliched resolution of the year! I just sit around drawing, reading, and typing. I need to get more toned.

Goal #10: Get happier. My mood has been blah a lot this past year. I've been spazzing out more. I have nightmares often. Sometimes I wouldn't know the difference between the dreams and reality; they were so real, that I would wake up thinking people hated me or I would be amazed (and glad) that something catastrophic hadn't really happened. But to achieve this goal, I have to make good on the other goals, because I feel depressed when I feel useless and unable to get things done.

And thus, I start out this new year full of hope and ambition!


  1. Huh, this post is not as long as I had originally thought. I guess this looked huge because I had it copied and pasted in Word to write under, with big text. 8D

    1. You seem to be doing okay in this area with Ginger+Mint, but with the others and dA...tsk tsk. Should I crack the whip? 8D But hey, you're still active. You seem to leave comments on everything (at least for me, which I appreciate big time). But if you're using would-be Internet time for housework and arts, then you're fine. Just stay busy!

    2. Published as in posted online, or published in book form? (Either would be awesome) I'm eagerly awaiting one of these comics. I would love to read Hellhoney, but any would be pretty neat to see. Since I also want to do a fancomic(or two), maybe we can keep each other encouraged. :P GET TO WORK!

    3. You haven't updated this on GoogleDocs in awhile. :P

    4. Oh, you bum! (J/K) You do have a commission though, right?
    Looks like we need to get REAL JORBS.

    5. Ah, yeah. Same here. MONIES FOR MORE JUNK! I mean, collectibles. >.> I'll keep an eye out for idol CDs at Chamblin.

    6. *is also a hoarder* Hey, they're memories! But I can see the point in trashing lots of stuff. How's that going anyway? :P

    7. Keep at this, or you'll lose it! See if your library has Rosetta Stone. :3 All those damn languages. You NERD!
    Do you just paste everything into a translator to get Engrish at the moment? XD

    8. Them video games are important, ya know?
    And that's quite a list. (Lots of variation though!) What's on your music list?

    9. You were pretty slim when I knew you. >.> Has that changed much? Or do you keep the weight off by crapping a lot? 8D *hides*

    10. Still having nightmares? ): I hate that you feel "blah" and useless. Just poke me if you need to talk/bitch at/abuse. 8D

    1. Bah, I either go too wordy or not enough wordy. But I thought this one was alright, at least compared to usual. XD

      1.) I try to stay busy, even though I'm prone to naps. Maybe reporting in on Twitter would keep me in line? 8D Though that could turn into spam really fast... I have been drawing, but I just have a lot of issues keeping up with coloring. That's always been an issue, ever since I seriously starting drawing in late elementary school. Though it was a lot easier when it was just choosing what colored pencils to use and not worrying about things like lighting and stuff. XD

      2.) Ideally, I would like to have it published in book form (especially a special edition with prints or stickers!) But if that fails miserably, even after lots of rewriting, then I'd probably just self-publish it (eBook and print.) Or if somehow I screw up from posting art on dA or blogs and no-one wants to publish due to that, then I'd self-publish. Wait. You're talking about the comics, like Hellhoney, Super Popcorn, Power Warp, etc? They will be self-published, both online and possibly in print. Webcomics seem the way to go if you want to do your own story and still break into the industry. Who knows, then a publisher might want to publish my stuff in book form. It's a dream~ But Super Popcorn is definitely going to be self-published in print.

      3.) I know. I actually have more stuff to type out left over from Novemeber, but I want to wait till I have a full chapter written. ;_;

      4.) I do get commissions, but getting an average of five to ten dollars a month only works if you have a TARDIS. You can go back in time and space to when/where stuff is cheaper. XD I still really want this art thing to work out, and it makes me sad that it's not considered a "real job." If I was making at least minimum wage, then things would be alright, I think.

      5.) Let me know if any turn up! Anything with Morning Musume on it, especially (I'm lacking most of their early discography.) I'll pay you for it! ^^ (Well, unless it's super expensive. Then Chamblin can keep the over-priced used CD. >_> )

      6.) Every time the trash day comes, I'm not ready. XD But I do have a stack of papers to go through that's most likely trash, so that's progress. I'll try to chunk some stuff this weekend in between arting. (And hopefully I won't get my arts mixed up in it. That's probably the main fear that keeps a lot of the crap out of the trash.)

      7.) Of course! I do the translator thing sometimes (like for whole interviews or articles), but I usually just study the kanji and hiragana/kanji and see if I can get the gist. If I can, I clap. If I don't, I just admire any accompanying pictures and hope someone in the fan community translates it later. XD

      8.) Arrgh, the list! XD It's spread out over bookmarks. Some of those strange groups from that other post are on it, of course. I actually want to hit up Weird Al's VEVO and just sit down and watch his videos, because I actually haven't seen a lot of them.

      9.) It's not that I'm fat, and I really haven't changed much (since I was 14. XD) But, I'm squishy, and I want to be healthy. I'm not sure if pooping a lot has anything to do my physique, but that comment really made me laugh! Even taking a stool softener, my poop is still irregular and huge, just softer, actually. And it gives me the runs if I eat peanut butter. Living with a bathroom hog has taught me to limit my peanut butter intake. XDDDDD

      10.) I still have a few nightmares, and lots of odd dreams. My mood still gets down a bit, but not as much as last year. I just have to keep working, otherwise the useless feelings and the frustrations of others will be justified and bring me down again. :)
