Here have a picture from this summer:

I actually have shorter hair again now. XD I'll post pics later.
School's a bit rough again this semester, but I actually spend less time in class because I'm taking an online class in addition to three regular classes (only one of them is a studio class.) But there's going to be a lot of homework and papers this semester! (Maybe taking the literature class wasn't such a good idea, but I liked the book list...) I'll try my best, though! I'll only have Winter Break to rest before the busy-ness that will be Spring 2010 (it would be great if that was my last semester... we'll see!)
The creative writing class seems the most fun so far and it's pretty casual. I like the reading for the literature class, but I don't like the way the participation grade works. You have to say something EACH class, which is so hard when there are people always talking and saying something that is either very similar to what you were going to say or say something that totally discredits what you were going to say. So so far I have a big fat ZERO on participation. :(
Art History would be next best, but I'm not really that interested in the period I picked, which I picked only because it fit my schedule and I needed an art history course. Even if I'm not that interested, it's still interesting and the papers are new to me and look like they might be a challenge. And finally there is Painting, which I still rather dislike. This class even more so because of the still-lives. I hope we get to do something out of our heads at least once this semester! If I'm going to paint, I either want to paint people or my imagination!
And finally, to the topic of this post... looks like a 2D Sonic game is in the works!!!
Please please please be Sonic the Hedgehog 4 and be similar to the Genesis games! It's all right if a new character besides Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles is added as long as they have a cool gameplay element (like Tails' flying/swimming and Knuckles' gliding/wall-crawling/punching.) I just want to collect rings speedily in a cool-looking level and fight Robotnik at the end of each Act/Zone. Let the story develop through visual clues, no voice acting. And please use that awesome Sega logo in the beginning with the "Sega" voice. I miss that.
ReplyDeleteI missed you so much~
/me adds to RSS feed.
Yay! *huggles* I took more pictures last night, so I'll see if I can upload them later today. ^^
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see them~
ReplyDeletePS- That SEGAAAAA is music to my ears
I updated with goofy bagel pictures! :D
ReplyDeleteTo mine, too... that's why I have a good feeling about the new Sonic. ^^